Kominka in Aridagawa-cho, it is good condition now.
You can go supermarket about 10 minutes by car.
Take about 1 hour from the Airport by car.
You can visit SHIRAHAMA from here. it takes about 1 hour and half by car.
It is very quiet area, but very useful area.
You can take relax and good time.
Of course you can do your own airbnb business here.
If you want to do that, ask us please.
We can help your business.

Price: 2,800,000 JPY
Land size: 966.0 square meters.
Drive way: Direct.
Land category: Residential land.
Land classification: Hill.
Connecting Road: Public.
Direction: South
Pavement: Paved.
Construction: Wooden.
Building year: Unknown
Floor area: Unknown square meters.
Bed room: 3 bed rooms.
Legal Restrictions
Building coverage ratio: %
Floor area ratio: %
City Planing:
Household appliance
Water: Public
Gas: no gas. all-electric
Waste water: Septic tank.
Car parking: 2~3
Present Conditions: Vacant
Payment and acceptance: Consultation.
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