Can walk to the beach.
It takes 15 minutes to the beach by walk.
There is restaurant and supermarket around here.
The location is nice.
And there are some toys for children paly in the beach.
I really appreciate it.
We got a customer’s voice.
Thank you so much for your stay and visit here, WAKAYAMA.
I hope they got love WAKAYAMA.
We have beach and good restaurant and old Japan culture here in KADA, WAKAYAMA.
You can enjoy here.
Shold bring something before get KADA, WAKAYAMA.
There are some shop and restaurant.
But they are old.
They don’t speak Enghlish and they will close evening.
If you get here at night, you should bring something.
You can buy anything at the WAKAYAMA-SHI Station.
There are some shops. It’s very useful.
And if you want to have breakfast, you should bring your breakfast also.
Because there is not convenience store.
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