We have free rent bike in WAKAYAMA HOUSE No.7
When you stay there, you can use them freely.
You will have more good time if you use bike in WAKAYAMA.
because WAKAYAMA have a lot of nature and beautiful area.
You drive a car.
Of course it is good choice.
Bud taking a bike will be nice for your travel in Japan.
There are good cycling road in WAKAYAMA.
You can see white and blue line on the road.
It is Cycling course recommended by Wakayama.
Now we want you will have more enjoy in here.
Then we started better rent-a-bike.
It is not free this time. But you will have more good time on the bike.
Of course we keep free rent bike also.
You can rent here.
You have to book before you use.
Ask us anytime.
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