The address for WAKAYAMA HOUSE No.8 is
You can see on Google Map here.
When you use rent-a-car, you can use Map code.
The Map-code is ” 205 854 002″
The Map code for car park is “205 824 873”.
I’ll show you best way by car on the map.
but the road is very narrow.
Be careful.
Car Park
You can park at our car park.
But you have to walk about 3 minutes.
You can park just No.3 area.
Do not park the other area, please. thank you.
How to open the door lock.
There is stairs in front of the house.
There is no slope and elevator, I’m sorry.
And You CAN NOT park in front of the stairs.
You can see safe box on the mailbox next to the entrance door.
You could know the number for safe when you book.
If you don’t know before you check in, tell us please.
Then you can open the door with our key.
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